Watch a replay of our weekly news roundup show with hosts Todd Anderson and John White, with special guest, fintech entrepreneur Timothy Li.
JoinedMay. 30, 2017
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Banking led off fintech news again this week with the regional bank "mini crisis" continuing to unfold
Watch the replay of our weekly news roundup show with hosts Todd Anderson and Peter Renton, with special guest Nicole Casperson.
PitchIt is back and better than ever for its 9th year!
With advanced applications of AI and ML Acquirers, PSPs and PacFacs now have the tools needed to reduce the threat...
Watch a replay of our weekly news roundup show with hosts Todd Anderson and Peter Renton, with special guest Andrew Dix from Crowdfund Insider.
Join AI and transaction fraud experts from Mastercard and NaranjaX and learn how AI can increase approval rates, and much more.
According to a recent Experian report, more than 70% of businesses say preventing fraud is their top concern.
Sponsored content is a type of promotional media paid for by an advertiser but created and shared by a publisher. Fintech Nexus contracts sponsored content articles to experienced journalists comfortable in the fintech space.
Join us for our weekly news roundup show with hosts Todd Anderson and Peter Renton, with special guest Dan Quan.
In times of economic uncertainty, risk and operations teams must use aggressive fraud prevention measures to protect their organizations. The...