In the UK Revolut has rolled out a peer to peer payments feature called “Near Me” which lets their users...
Frederic Nze is the CEO and founder of Oakam, a UK micro-lender that serves the needs of immigrant communities; in...
Mambu is reportedly powering the technology behind the platform which aims to better serve SMEs; the project is part four...
Matt Hancock is the Secretary of State for Digital, Culture, Media and Sport and a Member of Parliament for West...
Antony Jenkins, former CEO of Barclays and now head of 10x Future Technologies, writes in the FT that technology is...
According to Financial Times, this marks the first commercially viable trade finance deal using the blockchain; the trade was completed...
As Marcus looks to launch a UK savings product soon the bank is already eyeing additional European markets; they plan...
A Quartz article shares how companies like Revolut, Robinhood and others have been able to attract new customers with the...
Atom Bank has launched a new mortgage product for first time buyers; the loan to value range on the new...
HSBC UK has agreed to a partnership with, an Account Information Service Provider or AISP; the partnership is the...