How Risk Teams Can Help Drive Product Innovation

In today’s digital-first landscape, efficiency isn’t an added bonus—it’s the baseline. From personal user experiences to intricate business processes, technology is setting a new standard. Nowhere is this shift more evident than in the financial sector, particularly in the realm of risk management. With the right tools, including AI and machine learning, we can reduce financial risk and streamline the financing process, making it much easier for businesses of all sizes to access capital fairlyincluding those deemed “too risky” for the old models. The question is, “How?”.

Capital Underwriting: The Shift to Automation

Remember the times when risk assessments involved manual checks, rechecks, and long wait periods? Those days, thankfully, are rapidly becoming a chapter in the history of finance. The advent of automated underwriting is reshaping the landscape. This technology-driven approach, backed by cutting-edge algorithms, allows for the instant processing of vast volumes of data. Not only is the technology faster, but it’s also smart enough to analyze unstructured data that previously required human intervention to unpack. No longer are risk teams sifting through data points manually; machine learning and AI models are now able to scan, analyze, and produce insights at a pace humans could only dream of.

But the benefits of automated underwriting aren’t just about the sheer speed, though that in itself is a tremendous advantage. This approach to underwriting also allows for the creation of customized offerings in line with a business’s unique needs at a given time. In a domain where precision can mean the difference between profit and loss, technology ensures that financial decisions are rooted in comprehensive, up-to-date, and highly relevant data. The result? Decisions that are more informed, timely, and aligned with the ever-evolving dynamics of the market.

Risk Teams: Beyond Just Data Analysis

With the introduction of automated systems and sophisticated machine learning tools, much of the monotonous work has been offloaded to algorithms. This shift has opened up new horizons for risk professionals. Liberated from the confines of data handling, they now find themselves in positions of influence and strategy. 

Manpreet Dhot, CRO at Pipe
Manpreet Dhot, Chief Risk Officer at Pipe

The focus of risk management is now evolving from risk mitigation to value optimization. Risk teams are free to build risk strategies that create the most value for customers and for the organization. Along with the evolution of data science, this focus opens the door for bigger thinking and new frontiers of innovation.

In this new paradigm, risk teams have transformed. They’ve become central players in the financial narrative, steering businesses with their knowledge and shaping outcomes with their expertise. Their insights, derived from deep data analysis, are now instrumental in shaping pivotal business decisions. Whether it’s identifying market trends or forecasting financial challenges, risk teams are proving indispensable. Their contributions are valued not just for the data they bring but for the nuanced understanding and actionable insights they deliver.

Risk and Product Teams: A Synergistic Collaboration

Armed with advanced analytics tools, Risk teams are now producing insights that are sharper, deeper, and more actionable than ever before. These aren’t just generic observations about market trends; they’re detailed analyses of consumer behaviors, preferences, and needs. Such granular insights become goldmines for product teams, who are constantly on the lookout for niches to fill and gaps to bridge.

The real-world implications of this collaboration are evident in the evolving B2B lending landscape. We’re witnessing the roll-out of tailored loan products, sector-specific financial instruments, and even dynamic credit lines that adjust based on a business’s operational metrics. This isn’t guesswork—it’s the result of detailed risk analysis combined with responsive product development.

The collaboration between Risk and product innovations goes both ways. First, technology allows the risk team to focus more time and energy on strategy, analyzing and interpreting the wealth of data that’s collected by the product team. Meanwhile, the risk team has insight into the needs and circumstances of the customer, providing a previously unheard-of level of detail into the products and offerings that will work for this customer base.

The risk assessment process for SMBs involves creating a 360-degree view of the business and the business owner. The risk team often comes away with a better idea of the health of the business than the owners themselves. Insights about cash flow, financial stress, debt levels, etc., can help drive the development of financial wellness and education products, which empower SMB owners to manage their finances more effectively.

In essence, the partnership between risk and product teams is not just about combining datasets or sharing notes. It’s about co-creating value, about leveraging insights to craft offerings that resonate, delight, and fulfill the evolving demands of the modern consumer.

Win-Win: Benefits for Fintechs and Business Owners

Traditionally, financial products, especially those catering to capital needs, were one-size-fits-all. But today’s fintech solutions, powered by advanced risk analytics, are adept at offering embedded financing options that sync perfectly with the unique needs of each business. That means access to those who previously didn’t have it, and terms that fit the business model and cash flow of each business. Whether it’s a restaurant seeking short-term capital to purchase seasonal inventory or a tech startup needing funds to scale operations, fintechs are providing financial tools and products that resonate deeply with their business models and growth aspirations.

From the fintech perspective, this tailored approach isn’t just about carving a niche in the crowded financial marketplace but about establishing themselves as agile, responsive partners for small businesses. By offering embedded financing options that are tightly knit with a business’s operational nuances, fintechs can anticipate the capital needs of these businesses better than traditional financial institutions, especially when they’re connected to real-time data. This proactive approach positions fintechs as invaluable partners in the growth journey of small businesses.

Looking Forward: The Future of Risk Collaboration

The fintech landscape is evolving rapidly, with technology continuously refining the partnership between risk management and product innovation. This evolution is leading to smarter, real-time financial solutions tailored to the specific needs of small businesses.

As risk analysis tools become more advanced, we can expect even more precise and responsive financial offerings. The goal remains clear: provide small businesses with financial solutions that match their growth and challenges while also ensuring that fintechs remain agile and relevant in a competitive market.

In short, the future of fintech lies in harnessing the power of risk collaboration to deliver tangible, actionable value for both businesses and the broader financial ecosystem.

  • Manpreet Dhot

    Manpreet is the Chief Risk Officer of Pipe. He has over two decades of experience in risk management at GE Capital, American Express, Funding Circle, and Imprint Payments. He’s a seasoned risk professional with a demonstrated track record of growing and transforming portfolios through the development of best-in-class risk management and data science capabilities.