During the week I share the latest marketplace lending news on Twitter as it happens. Then every Saturday I take the most interesting news items and blog posts from the past week and share them here.
Time working for bank informed P2P expert’s jump into alt-fi from Bankless Times – Good article on Simon Champ of Eaglewood, one of keynote speakers at LendIt Europe.
Head of P2P Finance Association: Why investors shouldn’t worry about platforms failing from City A.M. – Christine Farnish, head of the P2PFA in the UK has responded to the news of the Trustbuddy failure.
This week’s packed LendIt Europe conference a sign of industry maturation from Bankless Times – You can read a short preview of LendIt Europe on Bankless Times.
Slide Presentations of LendIt Europe 2015 from LendIt – All the presentation slides from LendIt Europe are now available on the LendIt website.
Ranger Direct Lending Fund (BUY, TP 1215p) Partner Bill Kassul on the market opportunities from Liberum – Bill Kassul of Ranger Capital gives his thoughts on the industry in this short video.
On Deck Capital Inc Expands Product Set To Meet Full Range Of Small Business Financing Needs from Smarter Analyst – This is a significant announcement from OnDeck with more lower cost loan options for small businesses.
Platform Risk: What Happened to Trustbuddy? from P2Plendingexpert.com – Insights on the Trustbuddy debacle and what it means for investors.
Zopa Appoints Nigel Morris to Board from AltFi News – Nigel Morris is one of the true p2p lending leaders and now he is joining the board of Zopa.
Treasury sings praises of peer to peer lenders from FT Advisor – Commentary on Harriett Baldwin’s keynote at the P2PFA Summit @ LendIt earlier this week.
Afluenta Opens in Peru. Mexico and Colombia are Next from Crowdfund Insider – Argentinian platform Afluenta is looking to become the dominant platform in Latin America.
Former SBA Administrator Applauds Growth of Alternative Small Business Lending, Says Loan Brokers are Under Watch by Regulators from deBanked – Coverage of Karen Mills address from LendIt Europe this week.
What does the Funding Circle / Zencap Deal Mean? from Wiseclerk – Claus Lehman gives his perspective on the big acquisition this past week.
Moody’s assigns definitive ratings to Citi’s CHAI 2015-PM2 securitization of Prosper consumer loans from Moody’s – Details of the latest securitization of Prosper loans.
From the Lend Academy Forum
The Lend Academy forum is where investors go to discuss p2p lending. Below are some topics that were being discussed this week.
IRA strategy for P2P – Traditional or Roth and why? – Discussion on retirement accounts for investing in P2P.
High Income – Sometimes borrowers make mistakes when they are entering in their income, this looks like one of those times.
Quick Overview of Folio Strategies? – Many forum members are experienced Folio traders on Lending Club.