Co-Founder of Solana, Anatoly Yakovenko, announced the launch of Saga, an Android Web3-based smartphone and SMS software kit.
Last month, PicPay launched peer-to-peer lending for companies, a major innovation in a bid to enhance the product suite.
Prosper announced their second quarter numbers today and the results are quite promising. Even though Prosper is a private company...
It was a turbulent capital-raising year. What do experts see in the sale rack and what are the chances of coming home a happy shopper?
With its new investment, Solfácil wants to expand its business in Brazil and lower the cost of domestic energy.
The new year will see significant progress in the loyalty sector and the emergence of an environment where points replace fiat currency.
Every Saturday I bring you the latest news from the world of peer to peer lending. These are the best...
TradFi's adoption of DeFi infrastructure is ongoing, despite its negative press. Could this mean mainstream integration is close?
On Tuesday, Synctera announced the first Baas industry line of credit product, to help companies and users access credit lines.
I am a day early with my weekly news roundup this week because I am heading off on vacation with...