CFPB director Rohit Chopra was back in front of the senate banking committee Tuesday, where he brought his focus on fraud in the P2P payments space.
QED raised $1B in funding to back fintech startups. Partner Mike Packer talked to Fintech Nexus to discuss its impact on Latin America.
In a blog post published yesterday, CFPB director Rohit Chopra suggests we now have a (somewhat) definitive timeline for implementation.
Twenty-one percent of customers under age 40 surveyed expect the number of bank branch visits to increase compared to 12% of those over 40.
As Jason Mikula predicted on June 1, FIS has acquired embedded finance startup Bond in a deal where terms were not touted in a splashy press release.
Radiate Ventures bets on companies developing technologies that will drive change and leaders with the persistence to follow through.
Fintech unicorn Ualá finally obtained a banking license in Mexico, clearing the way for the neobank to aggressively expand its product suite.
The love-child of Moneylion's Even aquisition, Engine, looks to create tools for even non-financial companies to embed personalized products.
Colorado passed a law this week that could have a dramatic effect on the ability of fintech lenders to do business in the state.
This week the FDIC, OCC, and the Fed produced a 68-page interagency report detailing how banks should manage third-party relationships.