All over the world there is still huge unmet demand when it comes to small business lending. Most banks are...
Fintech One-on-One is hosted by Fintech Nexus Chairman and Co-Founder Peter Renton and began in 2013, making it the longest-running fintech podcast. New episodes continue to be published on its own dedicated website here.
These are challenging times, particularly for lenders. There are no risk models that can predict what might happen not just...
There are many areas of finance that are really stepping up during the crisis. We have talked at length about...
Mark Gould, Chief Payments Executive for Federal Reserve Financial Services on the rollout of FedNow
When FedNow launched last July there was a lot of pressure on the Fed to get this move into instant payments right. The head of FedNow, Mark Gould, shares how the rollout has gone.
Marketplaces are dominating so many areas of business these days. There are Airbnb, Uber, eBay, Etsy and of course the...
Creating a new credit card company is not something many, or really any, fintech executives have chosen to do until...
In this episode we talk with the COO and Co-Founder of SEON, Bence Jendruszak, as he discusses fraud prevention tools and the different types of fraud that fintech companies should be focused on today.
For digital assets like bitcoin to go truly mainstream they need to have onramps through banks. People trust banks with...
We talk with the CEO and founder of Arkose Labs, Kevin Gosschalk, as he discusses fighting cybercrime, why recently the balance has shifted in favor of the fraudsters and what fintech companies can do about it.
In episode nine of PitchIt: the fintech startups podcast we talk with Informed.IQ Co-Founder & CEO Justin Wickett. Artificial intelligence...