I think the small dollar loan space is fascinating. When done responsibly it is a difficult business to execute well...
Fintech One-on-One is hosted by Fintech Nexus Chairman and Co-Founder Peter Renton and began in 2013, making it the longest-running fintech podcast. New episodes continue to be published on its own dedicated website here.
Behavioral science is a fascinating area about which I knew very little until recently. In fintech there are huge opportunities...
I don’t think anyone would argue that back office banking infrastructure needs to change. Fintech companies and even banks these...
Many startup entrepreneurs look to Silicon Valley as their ideal source of capital. But in doing say they often dilute...
I love listening to podcasts. I have about 20 different shows on my playlist and one that I listen to...
While fintech in the developed world continues to flourish the most exciting growth is happening in emerging markets. For the...
It rocked the fintech world. When LendingClub announced they would be acquiring Radius Bank (pending regulatory approval of course) it...
The way we have stored and used credit information has not fundamentally changed in decades. The big three credit bureaus...
The big three credit bureaus, whether in the UK or the US, have excellent coverage on the majority of consumers....
Many community banks have been having a difficult time in recent years as banking becomes ever more intertwined with technology....