Lex interviews Sean Bennett, the co-founder and CTO of Stronghold, a Fintech company. Sean started out as an independent software developer, building software for clients.
Fintech One-on-One is hosted by Fintech Nexus Chairman and Co-Founder Peter Renton and began in 2013, making it the longest-running fintech podcast. New episodes continue to be published on its own dedicated website here.
On today's episode, I’m joined by Craig McLaughlin, Co-Founder & CEO of Finalytics. Finalytics.ai is the first customer-centric data platform designed to help credit unions translate high-touch service onto the digital channel.
In this episode, we talk with Penny Lee, the CEO of the Financial Technology Association, about the most important fintech regulatory issues and how the industry is engaging with Washington.
In episode three we talk about the UK's financial inclusion issues and how the credit industry could develop to help the problem.
We talk with the CEO and founder of Arkose Labs, Kevin Gosschalk, as he discusses fighting cybercrime, why recently the balance has shifted in favor of the fraudsters and what fintech companies can do about it.
On today’s episode, I’m joined by Dani Pensack, Co-Founder & CEO of Rightfoot. Dani and I also discussed the core problems associated with debt repayment, how debt impacts households, her time in Southeast Asia, raising capital, and much more.
Lex interviews Stephen Balavan, the CEO of Lambda Labs, a company that provides GPU servers, workstations and cloud services for training neural networks.
In this episode, we talk with Eddie Oistacher, the CEO and Co-Founder of Peach Finance, a new breed of lending infrastructure company that allows lenders to scale new and existing lending products.
In episode four, Isabelle Castro speaks to CEO of October, Patrick de Nonneville, about the company's new investment fund.
In this episode, the CEO and Co-founder of Bond, Roy Ng, talks embedded finance and how easy it is to offer a consumer or commercial credit product today.