A second regulatory reform focused on crowdfunding has gone into effect in France; the reform will broaden the offerings available for crowdfunded investing and lending; on crowdfund platforms, companies can now raise 2.5 million euros in equity funding through simple shares, plain vanilla bonds, preferred shares, participatory notes and convertible bonds; on crowdlending platforms, borrower limits were increased for qualified lenders to 2,000 euros individual lending per project; the reform also introduces new minibon debt securities. Source
The Marketplace Lending Association was launched in April of 2016 and is one of the industry's leading advocacy groups; in September it hired Nat Hoopes to lead the Association and represent the industry in Washington, D.C.; Lend Academy interviews Nat Hoopes in their most recent podcast, providing details on his background in the industry, the evolvement of the MLA and his insight on the current regulatory developments affecting marketplace lending. Source
The Office of the Comptroller of the Currency (OCC) has announced it will create an Innovation Office with staff in Washington, New York and San Francisco; the new Innovation Office is part of a broader framework for responsible innovation also released this week; the Innovation Office will provide a dedicated staff of government officials focused on innovation affecting federally chartered banks and the banking system; it will also seek to manage the OCC's framework for responsible innovation for banks and nonbanks. Source
Chinese regulators raided over 40 companies in China to investigate for illegal activities pertaining to the country's newly disseminated laws; investigators found property agents listing homes that owners had not agreed to sell and providing false information about properties; with a focus on real estate property investing, the investigators also found P2P lenders offering down payment loans after they were recently restricted by regulators. Source
Banks have been given a deadline of early 2018 to comply with new regulations that will allow for open banking; many industry experts believe this deadline is too tight; to comply, banks would need to completely overhaul their current security infrastructure and banks are not known to rapidly change anything; the UK's big four - Lloyds Banking Group, HSBC, Barclays and Royal Bank of Scotland - control 77% of personal current accounts and 85% of business accounts; these new regulations will allow consumers to control access to their data and give them comparison tools to shop for the best mortgage, credit card or loan. Source
A new report by NextGen Crowdfunding documents increasing use of Reg. A+ as the regulatory umbrella for real estate crowdfunding and other financial offerings; Reg. A+ was finalized in June 2015 as a means for non-accredited investors to access private offerings; companies can raise up to $50 million per year under Reg. A+; across all sectors, 131 companies to date have filed under Reg. A+, with 38% of these filings being by real estate and financial services platforms and many others being IT startups; roughly half of the filers are using "Tier 1" rules for Reg. A+, meaning they will continue to register in individual states as well as at the federal level, and half are filing "Tier 2", seeking national fundraising scope while avoiding the added prudence of vetting against state rules. Source
In an interview with CNBC, Ning Tang, CEO of CreditEase, provides insight on the China Banking Regulatory Commission’s regulation for China’s P2P lending industry; says the regulation will have positive long-term affects; focuses on the requirement of P2P lenders to work with banks as a custodian and says CreditEase has complied with this requirement for many years. Source
Stress testing from Funding Circle has reported its loan platform would still provide investors with a net return of 6.4% given a worst case market scenario; while effects from Brexit continue to be debated, market skeptics are not as optimistic as the UK platforms; they foresee stagflation in the UK characterized by higher unemployment and slowing GDP growth; they are also concerned about a lack of skin in the game which has prompted parliament member, Chris Philp, to request from the Financial Conduct Authority that a portion of each firm's loans include balance sheet capital; while marketplace lending executives are against this approach, policy makers are considering it. Source
In a speech at the Money 20/20 conference in Las Vegas, the head of the CFPB said he was troubled by banks who would shut off access to third-party data providers and believes consumers should have access to their data; though the agency declined to comment on the possibility of a new rule, they did make it clear that consumers should be the ones who decide when and who should have access to their data; this puts banks in a tough position as they work to comply with the current regulations and burgeoning fintech market that has given consumers a variety of technology options to use their personal data. Source
This week, the Consultative Group to Assist the Poor (CGAP) proposes improvements to the loosely-regulated fintech sector in sub-Saharan Africa, particularly Kenya; CGAP is a global partnership of 34 leading organizations advancing financial inclusion; they note fintech companies may inappropriately publicize a borrower's personal information if they default on a loan, and others may sweep a user's social media data with minimal notice to the consumer; a key step, by law and proactive process, is to rigorously include all fintech platforms under existing laws for lenders in Kenya. Source