Every Saturday I bring you the latest news from the world of peer to peer lending. These are the best of the news articles and blog posts from around the web that I shared on Twitter this past week.
There was some interesting coverage this week. Major national magazine, Inc., did an article geared at small business borrowers. Several bloggers provided some new perspective and then there was this fascinating article on Netbanker about the rapid growth of peer to peer lending (by yours truly). Enjoy your weekend.
Inc. Magagzine – How to Attract a Peer Lender
Netbanker – U.S. Peer-to-Peer Lending Hits Record High for Seventh Month in a Row
Doughroller – Prosper Raises Interest Rates by 2.5 Percent
P2P Lending News – UpMo Hires Lending Club’s Rob Garcia as VP of Product
Finextra – Person to Person Lending – Can it get as big as banking?
Passive Profiteer – Dividends vs Lending Club: How Much Money Would It Take to Generate a 6 Figure Income?
Common Financial Cents – My first Lending Club NAR – 10.87%