Online lender SoFi closed their 12th securities for $769mn of private student loan notes; total issuance in 2017 reached $6.9bn which was up from $4.2bn in 2016; the deal featured 38 investors and joint lead managers were Morgan Stanley, Bank of America Merrill Lynch, Credit Suisse and Goldman Sachs; SoFi is in the top ten of ABS issuance in 2017 as they continue to utilize the markets better than any other online lender. Source.
Todd is the host of PitchIt: the fintech startups podcast, a weekly interview show featuring emerging fintech founders and leading venture capitalists. He is responsible for leading the content team which covers fintech through daily & weekly email newsletters, editorial, virtual events, and in-person conferences. He has been covering fintech, banking, and venture capital for more than 15 years, including speaking regularly at industry events.