As covered on LendIt News earlier, Malaysia's Securities Commission recently announced licenses for six P2P lending sites; one such site, EthisKapital, claims to be the first licensed platform anywhere that also adheres to Shari'ah law; Islamic Shari'ah law interpreted literally prohibits the payment of any interest on loans based on the term "riba" however modern interpretations allow for modest interest rates and/or the use of a fixed transaction fee rather than accruing interest; EthisKapital's CEO also has co-founded the Islamic Fintech Alliance. Source
B2B FinPAL, Ethis Kapital, FundedByMe Malaysia, ManagePay Services, Modalku Ventures and Peoplender have now been registered with the Securities Commission of Malaysia and plan to begin business in 2017; Malaysia is the first of the ASEAN countries to register P2P lending companies. Source