Today OnDeck, GreenSky and LendingClub all reported their Q3 2018 earnings. Like last quarter we review the highlights from the...
Back in 2007, OnDeck started making loans to US small businesses. Since then, the company weathered the financial crisis, lending...
OnDeck has been one of the leaders in online small business lending for many years. What many people may not...
Today a new report was released on how online lenders are helping small businesses which in turn is creating economic...
In this week’s PeerIQ Industry Update they cover the worries from a flattening yield curve and credit card debt reaching...
OnDeck has been powering JPMorgan small business loans through their OnDeck-as-a-Service offering since late 2015. OnDeck has been keeping details...
The reality is that most fintech companies today in the US are private. We often learn of key milestones through...
A new report by economic research firm NDP Analytics sponsored by the Electronic Transactions Association, the Innovative Lending Platform Association...
GreenSky’s IPO could price as soon as Wednesday and may pave the way for other fintech IPOs going forward; the...
OnDeck has been working towards executing on their five strategic initiatives for 2018: grow responsibly, strengthened credit management, invest in high-growth...