With 132 fintech startups, Peru is coming to life in Latin America as another important hub for financial technology.
askRobin is based in Estonia but serves consumers in Latin America; the company first started in Mexico in late 2017,...
The Economist magazine's intelligence unit (EIU) has published a report on regulatory support for financial inclusion in developing countries and it is now gaining traction with press and analysts; the report scores countries on having an inclusiveness strategy and building governmental and private sector expertise, then provides in-depth details in areas including credit markets, non-regulated lenders, payments and insurance; Colombia ties Peru this year for the most progressive country; India has shown the most improvement; Latin America and East/South Asia are leaders regionally while Africa and the Middle East remain behind; the EIU performed the research in conjunction with the Center for Financial Inclusion at Accion and the Multilateral Investment Fund at the Inter-American Development Bank. Source
Peruvian financial entities are preparing a system that will enable interconnection between several fintechs to boost direct payments.
Brazil and Mexico are often talked about as fintech booms in Latin America; the size of the industry overall is...