I sat down with Kevin to see how Tassat viewed the introduction of a new real-time payment system and how it would effect the landscape.
Private permissioned blockchains are a key feature of Tassat’s B2B payments and financial services for banks.
Two key takeaways from a state of banking report should further encourage fintechs and small businesses about future opportunities for growth.
Here is a multi-track podcast player of the sessions from the track Real-Time Payments: How Fintech is Not Waiting for the Fed held May 25-26.
While America remains the richest economy in the world it is also the one where it is the most expensive...
FedNow's launch is imminent, but the U.S. is lagging behind the rest of the world on real-time payments. It may be an advantage.
The concept of embedded finance isn't new, but the modern form of the distribution model is emerging as a global payments force.
The world's central banks are turning towards CBDCs and real-time payments. FIS has launched infrastructure to support them.
We have a problem in this country. For the most part, money moves around slowly, at much the same speed...
BBVA Open Platform, a banking-as-a-service platform, allows their partners to build financial products through their APIs; they have now added...