The Social Lending Network Forum Launches

I have had several requests about this from readers over the last few months. Many of you wanted a place to have discussions about p2p lending that were outside the confines of the comments section of a blog post. So, today I am launching the Social Lending Network forum.

My intention with this forum is to make it a community gathering place for everyone who is interested in p2p lending. It will be a place where anyone can go and start a conversation or contribute to an existing conversation. I hope it will become a valuable resource that encourages sharing so we can all learn more.

Now, I realize there are other forums out there. I have talked about the forum before. There is also the Wiseclerk forum which is more focused on p2p lending in Europe and even Ken from Lendstats has recently started a forum. So there is no shortage of places to go now to discuss p2p lending but of course I hope you will consider signing up at the Social Lending Network forum.

If you are a new investor or borrower then I encourage you to join the conversation. You can learn a great deal by listening and asking questions. I encourage everyone to go on over to the forum right now and introduce yourself or start a conversation. I look forward to seeing you there.

  • Peter Renton

    Peter Renton is the chairman and co-founder of Fintech Nexus, the world’s largest digital media company focused on fintech. Peter has been writing about fintech since 2010 and he is the author and creator of the Fintech One-on-One Podcast, the first and longest-running fintech interview series.